Wednesday 11 March 2015

Cosplayer of the Week: Chris Eyles

This week’s featured cosplayer is Chris Eyles! Chris is a familiar face in the Toronto cosplay scene, however we were only recently introduced to Chris’s cosplays at Anime North last year when we saw his fantastic Thor costume.  As we dived deeper into his cosplay repertoire we realized he was a cosplayer who had an affinity for the characters we love and even better was the fact that he does them all justice.

What got you into cosplay? 

Well I had a friend who was into it, and I kept seeing pictures from shoots at cons and it looked like a lot of fun.  I am a fan of a bunch of nerdy things and well who doesn’t want to dress up as someone cool!  It also helped that I already resemble several characters that I like, so that makes it a lot easier.

What was your first cosplay?

My first cosplay was Thor from the Marvel comics.  I did the armour version from the first Thor movie.  I had been lazy and hadn’t cut my hair so it was getting long, wanted to do a cosplay, and since I was a tall blonde guy I figured, why not Thor.  I looked up some tutorials and set to work.  It was done in a few weeks and I tested it at Superfan Comicon (really small con in its first year) and then gave it a real cosplay initiation by wearing it to Anime North 2014.

How long have you been cosplaying?

Almost a year now.  It was the May 24th long weekend that I consider my first cosplay.
What is your favourite part about putting on your cosplay?
I’d have to say looking at myself and imagining I am the character.  It feels pretty cool.

 What’s the best part of cosplay for you?

I’d have to say recognition for the work you put into the cosplay, and meeting other fans of the characters you love and sharing that love.

What is your favourite cosplay?

Tough one.  I like my Thor because it was my first, but I also like my Final Fantasy 13 Snow Villiers, because it is simple and the overcoat has huge pockets (which are a blessing at cons haha!).

 Favourite cosplay/cosplayer or inspiring person?

All the people that you meet at cons that work hard on their cosplays are inspiring as well as new friends that I have made.  I must admit I totally do have  crush on cosplayer Nadya Sonika after meeting her at Fan Expo last year (2014).  She was just so nice and sweet, not to mention beautiful, and does some awesome cosplays, so hopefully I get to meet her again at another con!

Instagram/Twitter:  ChrisEyles


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