Wednesday 15 October 2014


  This fall television season came with a heap of new and returning superhero shows : Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Arrow, Constantine, Daredevil, The Flash but none of them are as close to my heart as Gotham. 

  The story centres around a young Jim Gordon and his stint with the GCPD. Gordon's first day on the job has him investigating the murder of the Wayne's which unravels a string of mysteries and corruption within the city. We meet colourful characters and a dark atmosphere that help enrich the world of Batman before he came to be and discover the villains in the making. 

  Batman has been a constant in my life from the time I was waddling around. He had a major influence on my formative years and shaped a lot of things in my life. Every time I hear about a superhero TV show being made I can't help but get excited. When I heard of the possibilities and future guarantee of a TV series centred around the Batman Universe I was overcome, hearing that it wasn't centred around Batman was a different story entirely. 

  The season is four episodes in and already building a solid storyline centred around the Mob families in Gotham. With each new character the show is building the foundation for  a solid universe that will eventually include Batman.  Gotham is gritty and dark and slightly campy all the while maintaining a level of realism. The show doesn't attempt to reference a specific time period, leaving it open for exploration in the future. 

  Although the show has some problems I really don't think we can classify the problems as those centred around the female characters. I've already fallen madly in love with Barbara Kean. The small amount of screen time she has had has already shown us that she is a well rounded character. An independent and successful woman who is not only full of love but also determined to help change the city as much as Jim Gordon. She is strong-willed and often acts of her own accord. 

  One of the interesting choices the show made was the addition of Renee Montoya to the list of characters. Usually a character depicted in later Batman mythos Montoya fits right into the world of Gotham. My previous worries about the character were quickly put to rest when we learn of a previous relationship between Barbara and Renee. Montoya also maintains her strong personality and determination. 

  Fish Mooney, a seemingly original character to Gotham, is a strong contender in the war for power in Gotham. Ruthless and cunning Mooney is an interesting villain. Theories and rumours suggest that Mooney might become the character known as the Great White Shark. 

  Selina Kyle has always been a personal favourite of mine. Gotham's version, who goes by the moniker CAT, doesn't disappoint. She is a survivor, strong-willed, independent and opting for a morally gray code in order to make it on the streets. 

  Jim Gordon has also been a personal favourite for years. My initial reaction to Ben McKenzie being cast as the iconic character was to dismiss him but I was wrong. I am enjoying his portrayal of Gordon and I can't wait to see more of it. 

The show is not short of great performances. One of the bests is Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot. 

For me Donald Logue's portrayal of Harvey Bullock is equally as amazing. 

However, unfortunately what I found missing and what I would like to see more of is the relationship between Bruce and Alfred. As well as the relationship between Bruce and Gordon.

I have thoroughly enjoyed what I have been presented with so far and can't wait to dive deeper into the world of Gotham.


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