Wednesday 4 March 2015

Cosplayer of the Week: Charlie

Our featured cosplayer this week is Charlie! With her beautiful costumes and amazing craftsmanship you would never know that she has only been cosplaying for a year. Charlie brings even the most fantastical characters to life with her realistic interpretations of them. This is a cosplayer who really goes the extra mile to make her costumes perfect and we are always blown away with what she creates! 

1. What got you into cosplay?

My brother ! He had convinced me to go to Fan Expo 2013 After seeing some of the amazing costumes I knew I had to make my own. 

2. What was your first cosplay?

Lady Sylvanas was the first cosplay I ever made and I wore her to Toronto Comicon 2014.

3. How long have you been cosplaying?

I would say a little over a year maybe more!

 4. What is your favourite part of putting on your cosplay?

Actually putting my armour on. Somehow it makes me feel totally epic like I'm gearing up for war hahaha

5. What’s the best part of cosplay for you? 

Hmm. It's hard to pick just one thing. One of the things I love is people's reaction and admiration.  I swear if it wasn't for all the people who come up and ask for photos or tell me they love my costume or even just to talk about the character or game I don't think I'd have the courage to wear anything I made out. While I love dressing up as my favourite characters sometimes it takes real courage to step out in something you made and hope everyone isn't laughing. So I get real girly when people and other cosplayers admire my work!

6. What is your favourite cosplay? (personal collection) 

I'd have to say my T2 (Judgement set) Paladin.  While I love my Lady Sylvanas cosplay, I feel more attached to my paladin. I've been playing a holy paladin in WoW for 5 years now and owning the actual set for my character pushed my initial idea to make it. 

7. Do you have a current cosplay or cosplayer favourite, someone that has inspired you? (Other people’s collections)

Cosplayers like Kamui Cosplay, 
Yaya Han and Comissions by AmazonMandy  are definitely on my list of people who inspire me but I would have to say Tony Swatton ( Man at arms) He makes some seriously bad ass weapons. I'm just amazed every single time 

I'm currently working on Zelda Hyrule Warriors version, Tifa from FF7 and The Lich King from World of Warcraft. 



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