Tuesday 24 June 2014

Grayson Graves Revisits Anime North


As the con blues subside and the itch to get to another one begins I thought it was an appropriate time to talk about Anime North and my experience on that May weekend.

  Last year was the first time I attended Anime North and it had never really been something that interested me. Yuukatan insisted that I accompany her and who am I to deny the chance to go adventuring with my best pal. 

  Like all kids my age, I had been introduced to a wide variety of animated shows at the dawn of anime and its introduction into mainstream western media. I followed along closely with Pokemon, glimpsed at Sailor Moon and invested my time with some of the digiDestins but I had never really gone beyon that. My years as a film/theatre student had me check out the classics like Akira but I had never ventured further. Anime North really didn't seem like the place for me but I tagged along anyways. Much to my surprise there was plenty of things I was interested in (ie Doctor Who) so when Yuukatan and Shereoh asked me to go with them this year the answer was an obvious yes. Within the span of a year I also immersed myself in the world of Anime. Heavily investing my time in One Piece, taking into consideration the popular animes that year and finding new stories that I absolutely love. Anime North the second time around was a whole new experience. 

  Several of our friends attended the event and we even found an easier way into the convention centre parking lot that allowed us more time to experience the con. 

Day 1 
  Started the night before the convention when the always wonderful Sam Maggs hosted an Xmen: Days of Future Past premiere party. I dressed up as Rogue and won some cool swag because of it.  The Morning of the con was a bit shaky. Yuukatan and I dressed up as your favourite dwarf/elf best friend duo but the popularity of them lead to the misfortune of misplacing my wallet. We would like to apologize to anyone who in that frame of time might have stopped and asked us for a photo and if we had seemed ungrateful or ungracious or if we refused one. Hopefully we explained the situation but if not again we are sorry. Thank you for being understanding or for coming to find us later. We appreciate everyone/every time someone asks for a photo. We work really hard for that very reason and we really love that you are excited about our costumes. And we would also like to thank the person that returned my wallet to the security booth and didn't take anything from it. My con experience could have been much different. Other than that my con experience was magical. Everyone really loved our Gimli and Legolas. 

We were happy they were such a hit. We even had regular folks ask for our photos in the restaurant. Which was nice because even though they might not understand, they certainly appreciated it. Also thanks for waiting til we were done eating ;) 

Yuukatan and I somehow also got roped into a Marvel Photoshoot.

We also met some other fantastic LOTR's cosplayers. A whole other fellowship that had beautiful costumes and Yuukatan has photos of all of encounters.

Day 2
I think Day 2 can be appropriately retitled the Strawhat Adventures. We celebrated One Piece all day on Saturday. We hung out in our One Piece Fem!Cosplays, went to a One Piece Photoshoot, met other fans and bought One Piece merch. (Maybe we went overboard---no pun intended). 

Luffy is always one of my favourite characters to cosplay. He is ideal for a good time. Having your entire crew by your side helps too. Shereoh also had an amazing Thousand Sunny cosplay the day before. 

Anecdote time - I got some great scar make-up stuff for my Luffy cosplay and some wonderful vender stared at me for a good five minutes before I realized he was looking on in horror. He was shocked because he thought I had mutilated my face to be this character. I explained to him everything and it was a good laugh and he complimented me on my make up. We got along great and it was one of the highlights of Saturday. 

Another wonderful OP Saturday Moment was meeting this guy. 

By far my favourite Luffy cosplayer of the weekend. 

We headed to the Masquerade at the end of the night but it was a bit disappointing. All in all we loved Saturday and we were happy that we got to wear summer clothing because it was scorching. 

Day 3 
Can be summed up in this photo. 

It was hot and we were tired but we still really enjoyed the day. We spent a lot of it resting in the shade and we met up with the always wonderful SutekiGo . 
We bought the rest of the things we wanted to buy that day and Yuukatan tested out her brilliant Winter Soldier Cosplay. 

I can't wait to finish my Cap cosplay so that we can duo again. 

We can't wait for Anime North next year because we always have such a great time :)


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