Saturday 7 June 2014

Cosplayer of the Week : Sutekigo

  Our selected Cosplayer of the Week is not just one cosplayer but several of them. SutekiGo is a group of cosplayers that got together in their highschool days to form outstanding group cosplays that we always love and admire. After meeting up with them again at Anime North we knew we had to feature them on our blog. We are never short of amazed with what they have in store every time we see them. Sure, we consider them friends but that doesn't stop us from being a bit intimidated by their skill and dedication to the characters. We met through a mutual friend a few years back and thus began a budding friendship. But beyond that SutekiGo are cosplayers that have really inspired Yuukatan and I to take charge and cosplay together. So to honour that we have selected them as our COSPLAYERS OF THE WEEK!

Follow them on - TWITTER 


What got you into cosplay?
Nicole: Since we were young and new to the whole and convention scene, we used to be over the top excitable about seeing cosplayers at conventions. Eventually we worked up the courage to try it ourselves.
Lisa: Like Erin running down nine flights of stairs to catch a Youko Kurama cosplayer that she saw out the window of the Double Tree.
Erin: And I missed him! I ran all the way for nothing.
Nicole: First time cosplaying was totally nerve-wracking!
Lindy: And we totally sucked (laughs)
Erin: It’s still nerve-wracking! Trying to finish everything on time, and wanting everything to be perfect because you feel like the show and characters deserve it.
Lisa: We just love the characters so much that we want to bring them to life.

What was your first cosplay? 
Erin: (laughs) It was terrible. Just so terrible...
Lisa: Thankfully, I didn’t cosplay with them that first year (laughs)
Erin: We cosplayed Yu Yu Hakusho, mine and Nicole’s favourite show... and we butchered it. I was Kurama; Nicole was Hiei; and Lindy was Yusuke.
Lindy: Only like three people took our picture. 
Nicole: And they would always ask, “Are you...?”
Lindy: Cuz they were unsure (laughs)
Erin: Cuz we sucked (laughs)
Lisa: To be fair, back then we didn’t have a lot to work with.
Erin: But we still sucked.
Nicole: We had to start somewhere.
Lindy: No picture will ever see the light of day.
Lisa: And to the three people who did take our picture, we will find you (laughs)

How long have you been cosplaying?
Lindy: We started in our second year of high school.
Erin: So... 2005. Nine years ago. We’re old (laughs).
Lisa: We all met in the first year of high school and went to Anime North together. But we didn’t cosplay until the next year.
Lindy: And only one of us had a wig. 
Nicole: And it was bad.
Lindy: It was glued. With white school glue (laughs).

(Photo Credit: Joe Huang)

What is your favourite part of putting on your cosplay?
Lindy: Taking it off! (laughs)
Lisa: My favourite part is when we’re all standing together and all look in the mirror and see us as a group.
Lindy: Or when we first walk out of the hotel and we’re walking as a group. And it’s finally all together:
Erin: And it’s finally all done. All the hours and days and months of work. Tears and frustration.
Lindy: All the blood and the sweat and the tears. And more blood. And paint inhalation.
Lisa: All that money.
Erin: It finally pays off when we’re all together in that cosplay for the first time.

What's the best part of cosplay for you?
Nicole: Getting to be someone else for the day. Getting to wear outfits and hair styles that you wouldn’t normally get to.
Lisa: And then looking into the mirror and thinking “Is that me?”
Erin: It’s just a general transformation into someone completely new. And then seeing people’s reactions; seeing how excited people are to see the characters come to life. Because we’re that excited to see other people cosplay our favourite characters.
Nicole: I also like picking a group that we’re perfect for.
Erin: Definitely. Like Avatar. Somehow those characters really suit our personalities.
Nicole: Our evil selves (laughs)
Erin: And it’s also nice that in a convention environment, we get to be our real selves.
Nicole: We can celebrate the fandom without ridicule.
Erin: That’s the best part. No judgement.

What is your favourite cosplay?
Lindy: Inuyasha.

 It was very comfy. I liked Inuyasha since I was 13, and he’s been one of my favourite characters since then. It was really easy to make too. I had a lot of fun wearing it.

Nicole: Host Club was our first real breakthrough as cosplayers  and I think Haruhi will forever be a favourite cosplay of mine. 

My absolute favourite cosplay is probably Yuffie (Advent Children)

 It was really easy to get into character and I adore her outfit. It's adorable and super comfy despite the zippers in weird places. I put a lot of effort into painting the design on her shirt. I love how it turned out! Erin also did an amazing job on Yuffie's shuriken. Having an epic prop was the best part of that cosplay.

Lisa: It was kind of a tie between Stein from Soul Eater 

and Lelouch from Code Geass

because they’re both my favourite chars. But I have to say Lelouch because… I got to have my own harem (laughs). Makeup was easy, costume was crisp and clean, shoes were comfortable. It was easy to get around in. (Nicole: You just like having your own harem). I just like having my own girls.

Erin: It’s a toss-up between Kouha Ren
(Photo Credit : Joe Huang) 

 and Ty Lee
(Photo Credit : Joe Huang)

 Ty Lee is just so comfortable and easy to wear. No weapons, no accessories. The wig is a bit heavy and probably needs to be remade, but I loved wearing that cosplay. I really enjoyed wearing Kouha too. It was cumbersome and that sword is huge, but I love the way it turned out. It’s one of the more difficult that I’ve made and I’m really pleased with it. I also never get to be cute little shotas (laughs).

Do you have a current cosplay or cosplayer favourite, someone who has inspired you?
Lindy: Reika (HERE) and Kaname (HERE)
Erin: Kaname and Yuegene (HERE)
Lindy: Oh ya, Yuegene too!
Erin: Kaname is such a talented crafter! And Yuegene is so beautiful! I especially love Yuegene as Mikoto Suoh (HERE) I really hope we can meet them one day!

Thanks for asking us! This was fun x) I hope we get to hang out with you guys again at the next con! :D


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