Wednesday 15 October 2014


To say I was excited about the news that the Deadpool movie had a green light would be an understatement.  

Deadpool was one of the first comic book characters I found and fell in love with on my own. Batman has always been present in the media for me. But Deadpool is someone I had to discover. 

In 2009 the release of X-Men Origins: Wolverine reanimated a character scattered throughout the Marvel Universe. Last relevant in his on going series Cable and Deadpool, he started to gain popularity and make appearances in other Marvel stories such as Hulk vs. Wolverine, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and a multitude of on goings. His rise revived a character who could have otherwise been lost. However with all of these stories came the lost of something more important, personality. The vital characteristics that make him unique and special had began to fade. Nowadays the character can be seen as unintelligent, misogynistic, ruthless and rude. I may be biased because I am a huge Deadpool fan but there are very specific factors that contribute to this. My intention is not to persuade others to like him. However those who do like the character for the wrong reasons I would like to show you just how much heart he has and for those who dislike him maybe inform you that he has been misinterpreted and misrepresented. 

Deadpool made his first appearance in New Mutants #98 where he had a brief encounter with none other than Cable, who would later become one of his closest friends. The Merc with a Mouth was a wise cracking killer based off a character in the DC Universe named Slade Wilson. However Deadpool became a character much on his own. Over the years the character gained his infamous yellow boxes and the ability to break the fourth wall. He was intelligent, witty and a great mercenary. But Deadpool always had a soft spot. The history of Deadpool dictates that he found out he had terminal cancer. He gained his ability through an experiment to heal. It is always a touchy subject when he hears of things of a similar nature. Illnesses always shake Wade up a bit. The experiment and healing factor also play into another aspect of Deadpool his insecurities about the way he looks. He exudes confidence most of the time but sometimes I think people forget that although people might be hard on him, no one is harder on Deadpool than himself. 

His insecurities and self-doubt do not stifle his ability to deliver a beating. He is known for doing things solely based on money but there have been some instances where this is not the case. Most of the Deadpool is sick of looking like a scumbag. He dreams of being the hero. It is a difficult task to achieve because of the life he leads and the reputation he holds. Deadpool also does not kill children. Taking a look back on Deadpool’s mercenary career, he rarely sticks anyone who doesn’t deserve it to some degree.  

Now I will not deny that Deadpool may make some off hand comment about a woman. But the truth is Wade really appreciate them. He is not always so lucky when it comes to dating but he definitely understands and respects the women around him. People can argue with me here. I’ve just read it as such. There are always two instances that come to mind. The first is this awful panel of “Deadpool” beating up Terry. I get so angry when people are oblivious to the fact that this is not Deadpool. It is a former love interest of his named Copycat who is a shapeshifter. Deadpool’s admiration of Terry would never allow him to do such a thing. I realize people who actually do read Deadpool are now saying “NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE REMEMBER THAT TIME…” Of course I am speaking about the time when Deadpool and Terry had an argument over the fact that Deadpool wanted to kill Dr. Killbrew. I’m sure there are other instances…I am also not at all defending him and his psychotic episodes are no excuse. People might also bring up the Typhoid Mary instance but I remind you of the terrible things Mary did to him.  But I bring you to the second instance. The night Sandi’s boyfriend beat her up real bad. Wade’s immediate reaction was to kill him. When Sandi asked him not to he simply beat him to a pulp. A man so ready to come to her defence would not in good conscience do so if he himself acted the same way towards them.

I might be droning on about him but I feel like all the essential characteristic have lost themselves in the multitude of stories surrounding him. I would just like to thank the writers that take the time to do their homework and uphold the man who I believe has a lot of heart. I also appreciate the fans who care about him just as much as I do. Deadpool : Merc with Manners.

Regardless of Deadpool’s current spike in popularity and the effects it had on the writing of his character, he will always hold number one place in my heart. Deadpool is the guy you are always rooting for.  Deadpool still manages to be (in my eyes) charming despite his obnoxious behaviour. It might be a personal preference but there is something about his twisted humour that to be honest I absolutely  love. The great thing about Deadpool is that the light hearted humour is just as fun.I am not a huge fan of the new double boxes with a mind of their own. It was much better when he was talking to himself. As funny as Deadpool is on his own I love the interactions he has with others. Deadpool is not everyone’s first choice and everyone thinks he is crazy. The interactions he has with people really take the cake. Although I love the regular cast of character’s in Deadpool’s life (Blind Al, Weasel, Bob) there are others that deserve equal attention. Cable is one of those characters for me. I really enjoyed the entire Cable and Deadpool series. Deadpool brought out things in Cable that I would have never imagined his character was capable of. The second of these characters is Spider-man. The contrast of PG jokes and the more risque jokes really works for me. I love the interaction between Deadpool and Spider-man. There is a slight admiration, unspoken of course, for each other. It even comes down to the costume comparison. I fully support a Deadpool/Spiderman ongoing (not that Deadpool needs anymore on goings). Deadpool’s interaction with the ladies is…well…unique. But it works for me.

What I love most about Deadpool is that he is actually really tragic.It really pulls at my heart strings when he is down on himself.

I really love Wade because he is essentially a good guy. He is trying to redeem himself and be a better man. He is human, an underdog and I think that is why most people like him.


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