Con season is well upon us and with the fun and excitement also comes the task of packing (if you need to travel for cons like us). Packing is an essential (if not burdensome) part of the con experience and in some cases can even make or break it. Thankfully plenty of cosplayers and con goers have lived through the horrors of forgetting a prop, a piece of the puzzle, I. D or even an extra pair of underwear and have come up with some helpful list so you don't have to. Sure some of these items are easily replaceable with a quick visit to the local department store but to save you the hassle and a few extra bucks we have a few tips and tricks to make sure you are getting the most out of your packing task. Not to mention some of those items took months to make and we really don't want to forget those.
Now I know this sounds pretty obvious but it is really important that you make a packing list. I like to live on the edge and have a certain joi de vivre air about my life. I've come to realize , in the last couple of years, I am not a very organized person (boy do I try). The aesthetic of a clean place is visually very pleasing to me but for some reason I can't live my life that way. I live more of a chaotic organized one. I know where everything is when I need it. I'm not the type of person who makes lists ( I have the fortunate advantage of friendships that usually save my butt when I forget something but I can't always expect them to have what I need) So I make a packing list.
It is important that you individualize your packing list. For example should you need a higher level sunscreen (like me) because your friends do better in the sun than you pack it or pay the consequences.
Again I know this sounds like common sense or maybe even odd to the non-cosplayer but for the cosplayer it is important to remember that everyday clothes will not take up the majority of your weekend. It is still essential that you pack some comfy clothes to take a break from the costumes.
You should also plan events that are non con related and might necessitate everyday clothing. If the weekend is strictly con don't worry about it.
Narrow your list down to essentials and strike out any items that are not necessary for the weekend.
If you are cosplaying at the convention you are attending make sure to make specific cosplay packing lists for each character.
Each character has a set of very specific elements that you need in order to pull the character together. Granted you could probably do without a few of the items but do you want to? You worked so hard and you want to show people what you have created. Making a checklist for these characters guarantees you will most likely not forget anything.
#4. PLAN
Plan each of your costumes for specific days and around events you want to take part in. This year our major costumes for AN were Gimli and Legolas. We decided to wear them on Friday because Saturday had a One Piece photoshoot we wanted to attend. Although Gimli and Legolas might have done better on Saturday (generally a busier day) we wanted the chance to meet other One Piece Cosplayers and fans. We neglected to check the weather for comfort levels during the con but lucked out as Friday was cooler than Saturday and Sunday. If you are willing to suffer through the weather for the art by all means power to you. Remember that the human
body can only endure so much. Take breaks and plan your events so you will be comfortable and prepared to stand for photos. Also remember to stay hydrated and keep lots of water on you.
Make sure you also pack directions, tickets and times for events. Being prepared will ensure you have the best con experience you can.
In addition to the water and snacks it is important to pack cosplay supplies. Should one of your props break or a hem comes undone you don't want to be thrown into a panic. Having emergency sewing and prop supplies will save you a trip to the local department store or from having a meltdown.
In this case I also had a backup plan should I not finish one of my cosplays. If you are confident with all of the costumes you have avoid the unnecessary task of packing an extra costume.
Now I know this sounds pretty obvious but it is really important that you make a packing list. I like to live on the edge and have a certain joi de vivre air about my life. I've come to realize , in the last couple of years, I am not a very organized person (boy do I try). The aesthetic of a clean place is visually very pleasing to me but for some reason I can't live my life that way. I live more of a chaotic organized one. I know where everything is when I need it. I'm not the type of person who makes lists ( I have the fortunate advantage of friendships that usually save my butt when I forget something but I can't always expect them to have what I need) So I make a packing list.
It is important that you individualize your packing list. For example should you need a higher level sunscreen (like me) because your friends do better in the sun than you pack it or pay the consequences.
Again I know this sounds like common sense or maybe even odd to the non-cosplayer but for the cosplayer it is important to remember that everyday clothes will not take up the majority of your weekend. It is still essential that you pack some comfy clothes to take a break from the costumes.
You should also plan events that are non con related and might necessitate everyday clothing. If the weekend is strictly con don't worry about it.
Narrow your list down to essentials and strike out any items that are not necessary for the weekend.
If you are cosplaying at the convention you are attending make sure to make specific cosplay packing lists for each character.
Each character has a set of very specific elements that you need in order to pull the character together. Granted you could probably do without a few of the items but do you want to? You worked so hard and you want to show people what you have created. Making a checklist for these characters guarantees you will most likely not forget anything.
#4. PLAN
Plan each of your costumes for specific days and around events you want to take part in. This year our major costumes for AN were Gimli and Legolas. We decided to wear them on Friday because Saturday had a One Piece photoshoot we wanted to attend. Although Gimli and Legolas might have done better on Saturday (generally a busier day) we wanted the chance to meet other One Piece Cosplayers and fans. We neglected to check the weather for comfort levels during the con but lucked out as Friday was cooler than Saturday and Sunday. If you are willing to suffer through the weather for the art by all means power to you. Remember that the human
body can only endure so much. Take breaks and plan your events so you will be comfortable and prepared to stand for photos. Also remember to stay hydrated and keep lots of water on you.
Make sure you also pack directions, tickets and times for events. Being prepared will ensure you have the best con experience you can.
In addition to the water and snacks it is important to pack cosplay supplies. Should one of your props break or a hem comes undone you don't want to be thrown into a panic. Having emergency sewing and prop supplies will save you a trip to the local department store or from having a meltdown.
In this case I also had a backup plan should I not finish one of my cosplays. If you are confident with all of the costumes you have avoid the unnecessary task of packing an extra costume.
For a great time make sure you are in good spirits with some of your best pals. Because cons are an adventure and you need good friends through ups and downs of the weekend. People willing to deal with you if you get a bit crazy. If you are fortunate enough to have a bag courier for the weekend thank that person endlessly and shower them with love. It isn't easy to carry a wallet and phone on you when your character doesn't have a bag or pockets. (thank you skin tight suits)
Most importantly remember to have fun! Cons are a great place to meet people and to meet people that have the same interests as you. If something in your cosplay didn't turn out the way you wanted (I've been there) trust me no one else noticed. They think you did a fantastic job and are just as excited if not more that you brought this character to life.
Not good at making your own list:
- Steal from us
- Borrow from others - Great sites like cosplaytutorial have pre made lists so you don't have to make your down ( CON PACKING LIST )